Pioneers in safety.
StS has been in the forefront for increased HSE focus and for establishing guidelines for best practice when it comes to hot work in habitats.
A notable milestone in this work was our contribution to the SfS (Samarbeid for Sikkerhet – an advisory organ consisting of the petroleum safety authority, oil companies, oil service companies, unions and other relevant industry parties), which resulted in one standard checklist for Habitat work in Norway.
This ensured that the high HSE levels that StS strive to implement and achieve became the standard practice for all habitat companies.

A comprehensive range of services related to maintenance and modification.
StS Habitat is part of StS, one of the top providers of ISS services (Insulation, Scaffolding, Surface Treatment) in Norway. We offer a comprehensive range of services related to maintenance and modification.
StS provides future-oriented and cost effective solutions, from design and planning to project management, work execution and final inspection.
StS’ production philosophy is founded on experience, versatility and an innovative approach, combined with a strong focus on QA and HSE.

Expert knowledge you can trust.
We provide a wide array of safe welding habitat solutions world-wide.
For many years the company has had a strong focus on formal qualifications and multi-disciplinary thinking. StS’ employees are very loyal and appreciate the good development opportunities and long-term career planning provided by the company.
StS strives to encourage as many of its employees as possible to further broaden their expertise. The company’s training and qualification centre, continuously expands its training programmes in order to meet the need for new skills and knowledge.

No shutdown, no stress.
Leave your number or email and we’ll get in touch to discuss your next project.